Application For Residency

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Please tell us about yourself


Last Name   First Name
Middle Name   Maiden Name
Date of Birth   Marital Status
SSN   Drivers License #
Phone #   Daytime Phone #
Have you ever had an eviction filed against you?
Additonal names on the application

Property Applying For



Breed   Age   Weight
Breed   Age   Weight

Present Address

City   State
Zip   Rent/Mortgage Payment
Own/Rent   Own/Rent Since

Landlord/Mortgage Company

Name   Address
City   State
Zip   Phone #

Previous Address

City   State
Zip   Rent/Mortgage Payment
Own/Rent   Own/Rent Since
Have you or any occupants ever been arrested for, convicted of, put on probation for, or had adjudication withheld or deferred for a felony offense?
If yes, please explain

Please tell us about your job

Present employer

Name   Address
City   State
Phone #   Position
Supervisor   Monthly Income
Start Date   End Date

Previous employer

Name   Address
City   State
Phone #   Position
Supervisor   Monthly Income
Start Date   End Date

Please give us the following information

Emergency contact

Name   Address
City   State
Phone #      

Automobile #1

Year   Make
Model   Color

Automobile #2

Year   Make
Model   Color

Children occupying

Name   Age
Name   Age
Name   Age

Bank ref

Name   Location
City   State


  1. All applicants 18 or older must submit a fully completed, dated and signed residency application and fee. Applicant must provide proof of identity.  APPLICANT MUST QUALIFY FOR THE LEASE WITHOUT A CO-SIGNER as J.W. Morton Property Management LLC.  A Non­ refundable application fee of $50.00 FOR 1 ADULT, $75.00 FOR 2 ADULTS, will be required for all applicants.
    This application fee will be used to provide our property management company with a recent credit report to determine the credit worthiness of the applicant.
    Our property management department reserves the right to deny an applicant if there is any derogatory data on this report that may reflect applicant's ability or desire to comply with the terms of the lease.

  2. Applicant may need to be approved by a condo/homeowner's association and may have to pay an additional application fee or an additional security or damage deposit. No more than two adults per 1500 square feet of living.

  3. Self-employed applicants may be required to produce upon request 2 years of tax returns or 1099's and non-employed individuals must provide verifiable proof of income.

  4. All sources of other income must be verifiable if needed to qualify for a rental unit.

  5. Applicants may not have a criminal record that contains a felony conviction for crimes of a violent or sexual nature or drug trafficking. Sexual offenders and Sexual Predators will not be accepted under any condition.  In the event a record comes back ""adjudication withheld" further documentation may be required and applicant may be denied on this basis.

  6. Previous rental history reports from landlords may be requested and  must reflect timely payments, sufficient notice of intent to vacate, no complaints regarding noise, disturbances or illegal  activities, no unpaid NSF checks, and no damage to unit or failure to leave the property clean and without damage at time of lease termination.

  7. NO PETS (with the exception of medically necessary pets) of any kind are permitted without specific written permission oflandlord in the lease document in an addendum to the lease. A NON­ REFUNDABLE PET FEE acceptable to landlord and/or additional pet deposit or additional security deposit will be required.  Fee and deposits are waived for medically necessary pets.


    The following is a list of breeds that will not be accepted in any rental unit that J.W. Morton Prope1iy Management LLC. rents or manages.


  8. Applicants will be required to pay a security deposit and sometimes last month's rent at the time of lease execution depending on the owner's requirements.   We reserve the right to require a higher security deposit and or additional prepaid rent.

  9. The number of occupants must be in compliance with HUD standards/guidelines for the applied unit.

  10. We may require a holding or good faith deposit to be collected to hold a property off the market. In the event the application is approved and applicant fails to enter into a lease, the applicant shall forfeit this deposit.  In the event the application is approved, this deposit shall be applied to the required security deposit.

  11. Any exceptions to our company's criteria will need to be submitted in writing to the rental agent for presentation to the landlord for consideration.   Ifapproval is then given for such exceptions, additional security, and/or additional advance rent payments may be required.

Megan's law is designed to protect the public by notifying communities when a convicted sex offender moves into an area. Information including photos, identities, and addresses is available from the Florida Department of law Enforcement (FDLE) at (850)410-7000, or on the internet at the site shown below.

The Applicant is encouraged to contact the Citrus County Sheriff Department for further information,

By signing below acknowledges that the real estate licensee has provided this notification.


By submitting this application, I authorize you to run my credit. I have read and agree to the provisions as stated.

Full Name   Date

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